Sacred Feminine Astrology

Astrology Readings, Circle Journeys and Retreats
Empower yourself through Sacred Feminine Astrology, Blueprints & Community
Even though we each have a Sacred Well of creativity, healing, wisdom and love within us,
many of us have forgotten how to access it.
Or, we've become too busy, distracted and stressed to be in touch with it on a daily basis.
My intent is to offer Soul-Supported Astrology Sessions, Circle Journeys, Sacred Feminine Blueprints, and Retreat Experiences that activate the power of the Sacred Feminine,
so that you experience the liberating and transforming power of love within you.
Please check out my offerings below.
I look forward to connecting with you in Sacred Space!
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22 US dollars1 hr 20 min
144 US dollarsAlign with Astrological & Cyclical Wisdom to ignite deeper purpose, wholeness, love and connection.
1 hr
1 hr 20 min
144 US dollars2 hr
199 US dollarsReceive Guidance & Clarity around your personal current Transits & Timelines
55 min
122 US dollars