The total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo perfects in the early hours of March 14th! (11:55 pm PDT / 2:55 am EDT).
With the Sun radiating the spiritual love, warmth and forgiveness of Watery Pisces, the Full Moon in the Earth Sign of Virgo signals an invitation to let go in areas of self-criticism, control and debilitating perfectionism -- even in the context of our own healing journeys-- that may cause us to get stuck or mired in the details.
The Moon (the personal unconscious) in Virgo, so close to the South Node (the collective unconscious) in Virgo is what makes this Full Moon an eclipse, accelerating and amplifying where personal themes of healing and release intersect with the collective as a whole.
Writing & Reflection for the Full Moon Eclipse:
This Eclipse Season, the North Node shines with the Sun in Pisces: Where can I attune to and allow the Divine Feminine energies of Spiritual Love, Compassion, Empathy to flow in areas where I have become stuck in self-criticism, harsh judgment, or excessive control?
(What house does Pisces rule in your chart? This is being emphasized as areas to invite more conscious healing, compassion and flow. What house does Virgo rule in your chart? These areas are where unconscious shadow dimensions are being illuminated as opportunities to release, let go, invite consciousness and forgive)
Reclaiming the Priestess from the (Shadow) Prostitute
This invitation of surrender within the Virgo Mysteries is further heightened as we make the collective shift from the Age of Pisces (the spiritual awakenings, but also religious shadows, of the past 2,000 years) into the much-awaited Age of Aquarius (emphasizing radical equality, higher consciousness and enlightenment). It has been well documented by feminine theologians and scholars that one of the most destructive shadows of the Age of Pisces (as our "Faith Traditions" was the denigration and distortion of the Sacred Feminine, particularly with regards to her ancient role as Priestess.
(Much more about this in our self-paced "Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine through the 8 Phases of Venus" course)
Particularly as we come together in Circle and in Ceremony, we have the opportunity to collectively release deep currents of guilt, shame and wrongdoing from feminine consciousness as a whole. Archetypal Virgo, as the sign most associated with the ancient Priestess Archetype exiled and repressed during the Patriarchal Age of Pisces, has much to inform us about what there is to heal -- but also reclaim -- when it comes to our Ancient Spiritual Lineage.
A Simple Full Moon Prayer:
I release anything -- known or unknown, seen or unseen, conscious or unconscious -- that obstructs the truth of my Divinity and Wholeness, so that I may more fully claim the (love / relationship / peace) that I most desire for myself, my Beloveds, and this World.